Pupils should be taught to:
• observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants;
• find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.
Pupils predict what they think seeds need to start growing. The test their predictions by designing and completing an investigation. The record their findings in a booklet.
Pupils learn about the four stages in a plants lifecycle and plant reproduction by producing a 'disc' that sequences these stages and demonstrates the lifecycle of a flowering plant.
Pupils discuss with a partner/group what they think seeds need to help them to start growing. They also discuss and plan what they think they need to do in order to find out?
View ResourcePupils plant seeds in four different plant pots. One plant pot has all the things needed for seeds to germinate and grow while the others have one of these requirements missing. Pupils plant the seeds in each of the pots and predict what they think will happen.
View ResourcePupils plan an investigation to answer the question 'Do plants need light?'.
View ResourcePupils look at two germination investigations and have to identify which one is fair and why.
View ResourcePupils plant seeds in a variety of conditions. They make predictions regarding seed germination and plant growth before planting their seeds and investigating whether or not their predictions were accurate.
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