Pupils should be taught to:
• recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways;
• explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment;
• recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.
A PowerPoint presentation used to introduce pupils to animal classification systems and the reasons for classifying animals. The PowerPoint can be used at the beginning of the topic or during it to stimulate scientific discussions, ideas and theories.
View ResourcePupils learn about the positive impacts they can have on the environment and the impact these can have on habitats, plants, animals, humans and the planet.
Pupils learn about the negative impacts they can have on the environment and the damage this can cause to habitats, plants, animals, humans and the planet.
Pupils learn about the impact humans can have on the habitats of a range of animals and plants. They learn about the need for land, the need to build new factories and how these can result in deforestation, loss of habitat and pollution. They look at the arguments for and against destroying habitats and try to offer any compromises and solutions!
Pupils learn about how humans can impact on the lives of animals and plants in a range of environments due to the negative effects of population growth, industrial development and deforestation.
Pupils learn how to classify both animals and plants using a key. The learn how to construct their own keys to help them group and classify both animals and plants.
Pupils learn how to use a classification key to help them to sort and group a range of animals.
Pupils learn how to use a classification key to help them to sort and group animals.
Pupils learn how to classify the five main animal groups by using a key.
Pupils classify animals by matching the animal with their animal group animal definition.
Pupils learn that animals can be sorted into one of five groups, depening on certain characteristics (a cut, sort, group and paste activity).